Monday, March 30, 2009

i'm not quite sure what geographic region t.s. elliot was thinking about when he penned the wasteland, but march actually is "the cruelest month" and has been for many years. in a lot of ways march and november are pretty much arkansas kissin' cousins....windy, snow (off and on) cooler to cold, can't grow anything....and you think you should be able to.... and so on. i sit f*&kin' around on a computer when i should be digging in the soil, cleaning stuff up or doing anything outside. we are truly a 3-season state....july, august and winter!

Friday, March 20, 2009

just in case you're interested (with easter coming up pretty soon)..... a while back pope benedict xvi declared that Hell is not a metaphor, but a real place where the damned (and only those "saved" get to heaven, so the damned includes jews, muslims, hindus, etc.) actually burn in everlasting fire. "It really exists and is eternal" said the pope, "even if nobody talks about it anymore".
but, recently the vatican announced men who go to Hell will have their souls pelted with fire and brimstone, but women will be punished by having their souls "broken on a wheel".
rather confusing i think many times can a woman's soul be broken....given this is for eternity. and....who gets to break them? contract labor? angels with fireproof wings?
and, which is the better deal fire/brimstone or breaking? i'd suggest there is some discrimination specifics for gays, transgenders...and how about little 5 year old girls who died and had lied to mommy? the wheel? or eternal spanking?
i think jesus (or maybe his brother barack) should look into this very carefully. or, at the least, update the pope. breaking on a wheel?? hasn't this guy heard about waterboarding and electric shock!?